新书: 《端午节》


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6月6日就是端午节啦,在享受假期的同时,也让我们一起来了解一下端午节的习俗吧。端午节的英文是“Dragon Boat Festival”,顾名思义,赛龙舟无疑是端午节中最重要的一项活动。你知道赛龙舟的规则吗?你知道什么小吃在端午节才吃得到吗?一起来读一读新书《端午节》吧!爱乐奇祝你端午节快乐!

"Dragon Boat Festival"
This year’s Dragon Boat Festival in on June 6th. Let’s learn something about the traditions of the festival while enjoying the holiday. Dragon boat race is obviously an important event of Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know the rules of the race? Do you know what snack people eat in Dragon Boat Festival? Alo7’s new book ‘Dragon Boat Festival’ will give you a vivid image of this festival. Take a look! Wish you have a pleasant holiday!
