新书: 《巴西动物猎奇》



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里约街的Jungle Juice和Brazilian BBQ是否让你对南美大陆心驰神往呢?巴西的动人之处可不仅仅是美食哦。各种各样珍奇美丽的动物是巴西的一道独特风景,只是很多动物为巴西所特有,我们无缘遇见。如果你希望一睹这些动物的尊容,那就来看看爱乐奇的新书《巴西动物猎奇》吧,一定可以让你大长见识!

"Brazilian Animals"
Do Jungle Juice and Brazilian BBQ in the Rio de Janeiro Street make you yearn for a tour to South America? The attraction of Brazil is much more than its cuisine. The unique and beautiful animals are also one of the Brazil’s fascinations. However, they are probably not accessible for us because Brazil is their only habitat. If you want to see them, why not take a look at ALO7’s new book ‘Brazilian Animals’? I’m sure you will have fun.
